Nail Art Designs . So many of you while watching my videos have noticed that I used forms I've used in my whole career but there are tips out there and a lot of you are more familiar with the tips i'm going to show you today the difference between tips and form application let's get started the nice thing about being business for so long as I've collected lots of stuff over the years and some I've never used and now it's come in handy so I went through my collection I've actually got a good assortment of tips here that I can show you.
I put it on this black pad so you can see it here I've got to clear there's natural with a well natural without the well of the french tip and the extreme white which is very square see that I'm nice and screwed that is more of a new style they don't usually do that and this one's a bit tapered okay so which one will i use you can see this one here see this one with the well in the back I particularly don't like these because when they put them on I kind of think gluing and nailing near the stress . is not the strongest method and this is a very long well so when that's on there most of that is glue and then when you put your acrylic on it's only this part of the acrylic that's actually attached to the natural nail plate so I like this style.
I prefer to go for this shape here which is you can see that very strong seeker smile line right and that when you place it on there now you've got a lot of the nail plate that you can put the acrylic on and make glue is just very tip of you interests besides I'm going to pick a clear tip because i'm going to use the baby boomer French technique that i did before and my best what's underneath this polish and the white would interfere with that color that I'm trying to create with a nice gentle fade so i'm going to use a clear so it has an advantage that i can do a color on top and it won't have any color from the bottom coming through ok so when you're fitting a tip my nails by the way I've taken them off and they're all naked ready to go for you and one up with a forum on and the other going to show you a tip now when sizing a tip you look at these points here and this this smile line curve that goes in there like that and what you're trying to do is fit it onto the tip i'll show it for the sideways camera - when you're putting it on ok the idea is you want to put a little bit of glue under here or in the tip of your nail and you want to fit it on and hold it ever so gently in the right angle you don't hold it in the right angle it was instantly so you got to be on your game right away if the glue sets and in the tip is in the wrong angle that and going to look good now when sizing the higher the number and you can see that little number it's reading me tiny it's on the underside of the tip of the nail the lower the number the bigger the size of the tip this is number two this big one and this one as it gets smaller this one's number five i'm gonna show you the difference number two fitting this index finger you can see it's too big see the corners just sits off way too far this is a number five and i find it just a little bit too big see how the sides go off like that.
If you press it down and you want to press it down the center on to the tip here you don't want to gap you want the sides to attach and then have a gap there see that that'd be awful that has to touch on there so the five is actually a little bit too big still but the six i think is going to fit quite nicely so when i'm looking for holding it with my other fingers you can see I'm making sure that this is lining up with my natural nail tips shrink a little bit as all these products do they shrink a little bit when they go on the nail so the tip is better to be a little bit on the bigger side than fitting a smaller tip you don't want to put a smaller tip on there as it shrinks a little bit too small sometimes you find when you're setting it on your nail and it's a little bit wider you can take a bit of a file and you can just follow the tips in a little bit just to bring the tip in like that on both sides are very easy to file ever so gently just to bring it up a little bit to fit so here's my little blue and the glue like crazy great it glues really fast i'm going to put a little bit of glue in the well now i find the less glue the better the stick it doesn't like to be dumped in blue sometimes I will do this it's easier sometimes to place it more straight on gives you a better advantage it's going pretty good looking good it's gonna hold it down make sure he's happy so just before you put your acrylic on you need to off the surface of this tip just as your natural nail was buff you want to fuck the tip which is taking away that there we go I'm going to make this the baby boomer French technique that's what all my other nails are in underneath here now that you've got the tip left we just start laying down your design and in this case it's the French baby boomer I'm gonna make these almond shaped them up later I do it in three colors I like the blend of three color and then I put a really nice blend of pink on the nail plate just a little quick tip is you don't want any of your product to touch the skin now i'm going to show you the difference with the form ok here's my form and I'm really used two forms forms take a little bit more skill and using because it places under over the tip placed on top of my nail plate this is going to place under the nail plate we're going to remove this when we're done so you want to bend it just like the tip was kind of bent and you got that nice this is my line in here we're going to curve it a little bit and we're just going to slide it under my natural male watching the hypo Nicki I'm underneath.
I got really high ones that's a little skin underneath the nail it's a very sensitive area can be careful about that now as you can see is this form placement had the same flow is the tip as far as the arch goes that's how my form is - okay making sure there's no gap just like make sure there's no gap with the tip I'm going to do the same design as I just did with the tip so again essentially these are the same outcome we're just getting to it a little bit of a different way to save the nail technician a few extra steps if you're not trained on doing a form a tip is a sure way to just going to fill in the blanks for you nice the same so it's a process from here I put the form on and I'm just building the colors i put the tip on and then just built my colors they're essentially the same okay just making sure i got my arch okay there we go wait for these to draw and now i'm going to sculpt them so i filed these up completely these two this is my favorite sculpting shaping file these are 100 100 they're great then I'm going to move it down to a suns of 182 a 240 the higher the number the softer the grit by doing that higher number grit smoother it's going to get I'm really focusing around the cuticles because of the Polish application want to be nice .
And smooth and then i'm going to go to my softest file ok and now i'm going to boil these just douse the cuticle with oil and get rid of all the sticky dust now before I polish and wash my hands thoroughly to get rid of this oil and all the extra dust before I polish so the nail technician is doing a good job the outcome should be the same they should both be beautiful weather using forms or tips a choice between former tips really is a nail technicians choice I prefer the form because I can take a form and I can apply it to a natural nail of any condition any shape whatever the natural nail is giving me I can put it forum on it but a tip is a little bit more difficult to glue a tip to a natural nail if there's nothing there or if it's misshaped or if it's very uneven on the end and there's nothing really to apply the tip - I can't really do it but a form because you're going underneath no matter what the natural nail plate is offering you can put anything on top of it the tip you need something a foundation to glue it to you don't always have that so it really is a nail technicians choice of which one that he or she prefers to put on you let's take a look at those reveal shots so there you go tips vs forms which one to choose it's your nail techs personal preference whatever you're looking for in a nail technician